Monday, March 14, 2011

And Now, a Metaphor.

So I was eating some "multi-grain pringles" that came in some random care package from some random part of the American midwest.  They're one of those random packages, where unknown elementary school kids pack a box full of random sundries and candy, along with badly drawn hand made cards that starts off with "Dear Soldier" and says stuff like "thanks for killing the bad guys" or whatever.

Anyway, so the packaging on the Pringles can makes it look really healthy, like "oooh.  multi-grain!" and it looks and tastes oddly like a very salty oblong Wheat Thin.  But then I looked at the ingredients and apparently "multi-grain" doesn't necessarily mean "whole grain."  It just means they have different types of flour, like corn flour, wheat flour, flower power, or whatever.  Basically three kinds of processed garbage flour packaged in a yellow can with a picture of a wheat stalk on it.

So yeah.  I'm still eating garbage.

It's just garbage that tastes healthy.


  1. gross. yeah i think i read something about how you're supposed to look for "whole grain" rather than "multigrain." or something like that. i forget.

    also, pringles are gross. i got sick off them once when i was little. but also they are like the pressed wood version of real potato chips, don't you think?

  2. yeah. well if they're flavored, like with a lot of sour cream and msg powder on them, i'll eat them because the only thing I can taste is the sauce.

    It's kind of like with the powdered eggs here, when I have to eat them. They're really gross. So I drown them in ketchup and then they taste allright.

    like chunky ketchup.
