Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On Growing Old and Dying... well not so much the "dying."

I want to make a short film and write a play.  You know, do something creative.  Those are my two goals before i get old and jaded, and work a 9-5 office job that I hate.  and get fat.  and bald.  and have a future wife who cheats on me because i'm emotionally unavailable and sexually impotent.

I don't think that's too much to ask.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I guess that's why I work at Initech."

I always think of it like this:  Okay, so the guy doesn't know shit about computers and network issues.  But then again, I don't know how to fix a jet engine, and this guy does.  We all have different skill sets.

But then again, if I magically had a jet engine in front of me and I needed to fix it, I wouldn't call up EMXS and be like "hey.  so I have a jet engine and some avionics equipment that stopped working.  Can I throw them in the trash?"

btw, the answers to the questions are no; hell no; I didn't ask for YOUR name, I asked for the computer name;  think about what you just asked me.  no.  really.  reflect on it.  now go away.

Monday, March 14, 2011

And Now, a Metaphor.

So I was eating some "multi-grain pringles" that came in some random care package from some random part of the American midwest.  They're one of those random packages, where unknown elementary school kids pack a box full of random sundries and candy, along with badly drawn hand made cards that starts off with "Dear Soldier" and says stuff like "thanks for killing the bad guys" or whatever.

Anyway, so the packaging on the Pringles can makes it look really healthy, like "oooh.  multi-grain!" and it looks and tastes oddly like a very salty oblong Wheat Thin.  But then I looked at the ingredients and apparently "multi-grain" doesn't necessarily mean "whole grain."  It just means they have different types of flour, like corn flour, wheat flour, flower power, or whatever.  Basically three kinds of processed garbage flour packaged in a yellow can with a picture of a wheat stalk on it.

So yeah.  I'm still eating garbage.

It's just garbage that tastes healthy.