Saturday, January 15, 2011

And the Red Heels Go "Click."

I'd like to go home now. I'm kind of over it. But hey, just about three and a half more months left, and I'll be back home... doing whatever it was that I was doing before.


but yeah. it's not too bad here. The work schedule sucks, 12 hour days, six days a week, and the job is pretty fast paced and stressful, plus I'm in charge of troops, so I have to take care of them and make sure they're doing what they need to do.

actually, being in charge of people is half the stress of the job. Once I got that down, everything kind of just fell in place. the teaching and coaching experience really helped me here.  along with my natural penchant to swear and mock things.

I'm supposed to go downrange soon. You know, head to some other sunny undisclosed location, carry a gun, etc etc.

but whatever. 3 1/2 more months.

and honestly, time has been flying by here. long days, short weeks. before I know it, this will all be a memory. so i'm trying to take it all in, learn as much as i can from this experience, because I know, one day, when i'm 50, i'll look back and be like "remember when i was deployed to shitfuckistan? yeah, that was like a watershed moment in my 20s."

life changing moments are hard to come by, I guess.


  1. Would you get court martialed if you sabotaged the sliding signs with a cover or two?


    Las Vegas?

    Alpha Tauri?

  2. Actually, that idea popped in my head the first time I saw those signs. I think I can pull it off near the end of the rotation.

    it'll be EPIC.

    There are some of those MASH signposts around at different units. they're pretty neat. I was trying to get one set up outside of my unit, but we'll see how motivated I am to do that.
