Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Postcard (badly composed).

For Erin.
The sand over here isn't the same as the sand back home.  It's not really sand, as in crunchy beach sand with little sea shells that kids would collect and take home.  There are no sand crabs crawling out of holes, skittering towards the shoreline and disappearing into the water. Curiously absent are the sounds of surf crashing on to the shore, kids laughing, barbecues, sand castles, and interaction with the land itself as a playground.  Bootprints instead of footprints.

It's all just dust and silt.


  1. Pshaw, badly composed. Very good image and prosetry. More please!

  2. Trish posted your image of the American Indian sign on fb. I'm glad I got a chance to join your fan base. I'm worried about you. I'm glad I'll get to hear what you're doing. Let me know if there's anything here that you want to hear about.
